Thursday, September 6, 2007

Time for change

People have often looked forward to college, as a new start, a time to reinvent themselves. Tried that, didn't work. I ended up being as close to a 'A' lister, not the Hollywood kind, but the kind who attends meetings and talks about their troubles. I don't want to end up that way, especially after the asschewing/lecture my father afforded me the past weekend. I would've felt better had he called me 'a piece of shit,' but no I was informed that over the past six years I've been nothing but a disappointment, and have put a strain on his relationship with me. I know I don't preach the Bible openly, but I am a God fearing Catholic. It might be that I'm the youngest in my family, it might be that my parents are of the 'old guard', or I could be the blacksheep whatever the case is I am not that bad of a person. I might daydream, or slackoff which ever way you view it, but hey that's me. My friends will tell you I'm a good guy, I genuinely listen to them when they have problems, I care for them, and I'll always be there for them. so what makes me a bad guy? I couldn't tell you, but I can tell you it's time for me to try and change my ways.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

I've never really gotten along with my family and lord knows I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if I were you, I'd pop my old man in the mouth if he talked to me like that.