Thursday, October 18, 2007


Recently an article appeared as an e-mail on MySpace, which truly demonstrated how stupid people can sometimes be, especially cops. The article told of a police officer who was staked outside of a bar to catch those who tried to drive home intoxicated. After 30 minutes a patron stumbled out of the bar, walked a few steps and fell flat on his face. The man got up and stubled towards the parking lot. The officer watched closely as the man tried to unlock several vehicles before finding his own. The man got into his car and passed out for an undisclosed amount of time before waking, by this time many patrons at the bar had left leaving the obviously drunk man sitting in his car. Upon waking the man started his car and tried to drive away. The officer quickly started his car and proceeded to pull the man over. A field sobriety test was administered and the man passed the test. Finally the officer administered a breathalyzer test, the man blew 0.0. The officer was enraged by this time and informed the man that his equipment was broken, and he was taking the man to the station for a blood test. The man looked the officer square in the eye and said "That's fine. I'm the designated decoy tonight."

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